Fishing in Puerto Rico

Fishing in Puerto Rico is one of the most rewarding experiences an angler can have. La Parguera is abundant with Blue Marlin, Wahoo, Blackfin, Skipjack & more!

Blue Marlin hookups in Caribbean Puerto Rico are more common than any other billfish. This is the fish that will test both the angler and the tackle.

Dorado at La Parguera feeding on flying fish with seabirds, commonly average in size from 25 lb cows and 50+ lbs. bulls. These are lots of fun to catch acrobatic fish, with multiple hookups, and a delicacy at the dinner table.

Wahoo also forage the waters off La Parguera and are great fun to catch.

We catch our good share of Blackfin and Skipjack Tuna as well as nicer Yellowfin Tuna which can't be ruled out.

Game Fish

fishing in Puerto Rico

Blue Marlin

Makaira Nigricans:



Color cobalt blue on top shading to silvery white on bottom; upper jaw elongated in form of spear; dorsal fin pointed at front end; pectoral fin and anal fin pointed; lateral line reticulated (interwoven like a net), difficult to see in large specimens; no dark spots on dorsal fin; body covered with embedded scales ending in one or two sharp point.

Similar Fish:

White marlin, Tetrapterus albidus (white has rounded tip of pectoral and anal fins, and spots on the dorsal fin).

Where found:

OFFSHORE, a blue water fish.


Largest of the Atlantic marlins, common to 11 feet, known to exceed 2,000 pounds.

Fighting Characteristics:

A very tough fighter with an impressing fast and long first run. Usually mixes powerful jumps and direction changes with deep fighting characteristics. Best of all for speed, power and jumping ability.


All of trophy size is females; males do not exceed 300 pounds; make trans-Atlantic migrations; spawning procedures unknown; feeds on squid and pelagic fishes, including black fin tuna and frigate mackerel.

Wahoo, Peto

puerto rico fishing charters

Acanthocybium solandri:



Long, slender fish, slightly compressed; dark greenish or steel-blue above, paler below, numerous dark vertical bars extending below axis on sides. Pointed head, with snout half the length of the head; posterior part of maxilla hidden under pretrial area; strong, knifelike teeth. Dorsal fins not well separated.

Where found:

OFFSHORE in warm waters. Reefs where warm current is running close inshore. In open ocean around bait fish, logs and current lines. Over deep reefs and holes on the sea bed.


Common at 10-50 pounds; often grows to 80 or 90 pounds; maximum potential about 150 pounds. World record 184 pounds.

Fighting Characteristics:

A very fast surface run (Recorded 96 km/h), often followed by shorter runs in mid water.


One of the fastest fish in the Ocean. Aggressive when feeding to the point of lacerating each other while hooked up. Sometimes it will jump, but generally this fish will make quick surface runs. Mouth is elongated and narrow, and equipped with razor-sharp teeth - careful!

Dolphin, Mahi-Mahi, Dorado

mahi mahi fishing

Coryphaena hippurus:



Bright greenish blue above, yellow on sides, with capability of flashing purple, chartreuse, and a wide range of other colors; body tapers sharply from head to tail; irregular blue or golden blotches scattered over sides; anterior profile of head on adult males is nearly vertical; head of females more sloping; the single dark dorsal fin extends from just behind the head to the tail; anal fin margin concave and extending from anus to tail.

Similar Fish:

Pompano dolphin, C. equisetis. The pompano dolphin has squarish tooth patch on tongue (oval tooth patch on dolphin) and fewer dorsal rays (48 to 55 versus 55 to 65 on dolphin).

Where found:

OFFSHORE in warm waters. In Open Ocean around logs, flotsam, weed lines and in warm current.


Schooling fish run in similar sizes, from around a pound to nearly 20 pounds at times; larger fish are loners, or else pair's bull and cow. Big bulls often reach 50 pounds in weight and can exceed 80 pounds on rare occasion. Large cows generally top out at 40 pounds or so. World record 87 pounds.

Fighting Characteristics:

Surface runs in combination with acrobatic jumps and direction changes.


One of the fastest-growing fish, thought to live no more than 5 years; swimming speed is estimated at 50 knots; spawns in warm ocean currents throughout much of the year; young found in Sargasso weed; feeds on flying fish and squid.

Yellowfin Tuna

yellowfin tuna fishing in puerto rico

Thunnus albacares:



Finlets of the Yellowfin Tuna are yellow, trimmed in black. Gold stripe along side. Light underside usually shows spots and/or wavy lines. Second dorsal and anal fins of very large individuals are elongated and lunate - a feature not found on any other Tuna.

Where found:

The open seas, but frequently near drop-offs in tropical warm waters.


May run anywhere from a few pounds to more than 200 pounds. Maximum close to 400. World record 427 pounds.

Fighting Characteristics:

A very strong fish. Usually fights deep and recovers quickly. Can make very long and fast reel spooling runs.


The Yellowfin is perhaps the most colorful of all the tuna. They are an eating-machine, putting on pounds like no other fish. A year-and-a-half old Yellowfin can weigh 8 pounds, and by its fourth year the fish will scale out at a whopping 140 pounds.

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Rd.304, La Parguera
Lajas, 00667, Puerto Rico

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